Hey everybody! This month I’m going to talk about my college major quiz results, as well as some tips to take with you on your journey to find the right major. I’ve taken the college major quiz on this website four or five times now, and my results have changed each time. I recently took the quiz a few weeks ago, and before that the last time I took it was about six months ago. My top-ten lists are displayed below.
1. Economics : Very Strong Fit
2. Environmental Studies : Very Strong Fit
3. Animal Science : Strong Fit
4. Geography : Strong Fit
5. Urban & Regional Planning : Good Fit
6. Political Science : Good Fit
7. Psychology : Some Fit
8. Finance : Some Fit
9. Public Administration : Some Fit
10. Journalism : Some Fit
1. Media Arts : Very Strong Fit
2. Environmental Studies : Very Strong Fit
3. Animal Science : Strong Fit
4. Film, Cinema, & Video : Strong Fit
5. Geography : Good Fit
6. Economics : Some Fit
7. Political Science : Some Fit
8. Fashion : Some Fit
9. Urban & Regional Planning : Some Fit
10. Journalism : Some Fit
The new top ten reflects my interests AMAZINGLY!! In the last five months or so, I’ve been very set on majoring in environmental studies, although I’ve always been interested in film/media arts and have thought about double majoring in both of those. I LOVE animals, so animal science makes a lot of sense; having a career working with animals would be awesome. I job shadowed a veterinarian last year and realized that it might not be the best choice for me, but I’ve still kept the option in the back of my mind. Journalism is another major interest of mine and right now I’m planning on minoring in journalism/mass communication. The only major I would say is excluded from my top ten is Biology, or possibly Business, both of which I have been considering for a few years now.
I have some interests in geography, political science, fashion, and urban & regional planning, but definitely wouldn’t make a career out of any of them. The major that makes the least sense to me is economics, mostly because I’ve never taken an economics course and really haven’t had any experience with it. Maybe it’s a hidden interest of mine that I just haven’t explored before, but I’ve never seen myself as an economics kind of person.
There were some major changes between six months ago and now, like media arts, film, cinema, & video, and fashion coming into the picture; pushing out finance, psychology, and public administration. Animal science, geography, and environmental studies remained in the top five, while economics and urban & regional planning got pushed down the list. Journalism remained last, and political science became “some fit” instead of “good fit”. When I took this quiz six months ago, I was taking a political science course, and that was probably reflected in my answers. I have no idea why finance was on my top ten in the first place, I really have no interest in that field. Maybe because it’s a branch of economics, and apparently economics is an undiscovered interest that I have. I’m surprised that psychology left; for the longest time I was set on being a psychologist (I feel like we all have some sort of psychology phase at some point), and I still find the field fascinating. I’m pretty interested in public policies and I love planning/organizing things so that must be why public administration was one of my top ten at one point.
If I HAD to write down a list of my top five majors, this would be it:
1. Environmental Science
2. Film, Cinema, & Video
3. Journalism
4. Biology
5. Media Arts
I feel like I’m always changing my mind and switching back and forth. Luckily, I haven’t changed my mind on environmental science for quite some time. I’m hoping it stays that way! My interests tend to stay the same, but what I want to do in life doesn’t, which makes me reevaluate my choices over and over again. One week I REALLY think that I’ve found it; the perfect major, the perfect career path, the whole package … and then the next week it’ll be the total opposite. I have friends who have known EXACTLY what they want to do their whole life, and it’s never changed. I’ve always been jealous of them; I want to know exactly what I want to do for the rest of my life with no regrets! I wish it was a simple decision but it has just been a giant bundle of stress throughout high school. I’ve been constantly researching, taking personality tests, taking courses I haven’t taken before, volunteering/working at places that capture my interests (i.e. Minnesota Zoo, Science Museum of Minnesota, Children’s Hospitals & Clinics of Minnesota), job shadowing, and talking to people for advice. This has helped tremendously, but I still haven’t discovered a career that has really clicked with me. Majors, yes. Careers that majors lead to, not at all.
A few days ago I found out that Montana State University offers an MFA in Science & Natural History Filmmaking. WHAAAT?? How awesome is that!? This might sound random, but I’ve always wanted to create science documentaries! I thought that my interests in both filmmaking and the sciences were extremely different areas, so I definitely never thought I’d see a degree that specializes in both of them. I have a friend who is currently studying at MSU and he said that they have National Geographic scouts out there, which is just super cool!
I’m also interested in Veterinary Public Health, a dual program offered at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities that offers both a DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) and a MPH (Master of Public Health) degree within the same four years. This program is another appealing one that would allow me to work in many different areas, instead of sending me down a narrow path. There are so many different places I’d like to work and things I’d like to do, I’ve had an excessively difficult time trying to find an actual career I’d be happy with. I found out about both of these programs within the same week of each other, which just goes to show that you really never know what’s out there.
For the most part, I’ve only been looking into undergraduate degrees and not really thinking about what I would do in graduate school. Many colleges offer identical majors, which leaves little inspiration for someone like me who has been stuck on making my personal interests turn into an enjoyable career. Discovering graduate programs such as the two listed above have opened up my mind a bit more to career possibilities. You don’t always have to be the typical doctor, lawyer, teacher, engineer, etcetera like most people set out to do. I know that I’ve never felt like I fit into one career, especially not one that’s considered to be prestigious. That’s mostly why I’ve been so stumped at finding the right one. I think it’s time to get creative, and find unusual programs that you can build your own career off of, or at least have various career opportunities after graduating so you’re not stuck on one distinct lane throughout your life. Keep in mind that it’s rarely about what you major in; the experiences you gain throughout your life are the most significant.
So what do you do if you don’t know what to major in, or what to do with your life? Everybody always tells me things like, “You don’t have to make any decisions now” and “You’re still young!” Well yes, I know that, but I WANT to figure it out ASAP! It drives me crazy not knowing! And for me, I’m going to be entering college with my all generals done. I’ll need to get started on my major pretty fast! Like I’ve said, I’m pretty set on majoring in environmental science, with a minor in journalism. After that, I’m currently looking into the Veterinary Public Health program, or Science & Natural History Filmmaking. What are my career goals? I’m not exactly sure. I’d like to do a variety of things; work with animals, work to save the environment, own my own business, make some documentaries or television shows, own a farm when I retire.. who knows? The point is, I have no straightforward career path in mind. I’ve heard that the average person will make a career change five to seven times throughout their life. When I first heard this, I didn’t believe it one bit. Now that I’m closer to having to actually choose a major, it’s completely believable. My advice to those who still have no idea what to do? Try doing some of the things that I did to figure it out! And yes, I’m going to make another list.. can you tell I’m a fan of them?
1. Take The MyMajors College Quiz. From my experience, the quiz has predicted my interests and possible majors very well. Look into the majors it suggests for you, and research them further. Even if you think the quiz made a complete mistake, research anyways. You really never know what you might find, and it could end up being your future major!
2. Work & Volunteer! This is a valuable method to gain direct experience working in an area you might be interested in. You can observe the different jobs in that area, make connections, and discover information. Plus, it’s always good for resume-building. Try to get a simple job in a place you might like to actually work in the future. Like I said before, I got a job at the Science Museum of Minnesota as a Program Assistant. It’s a simple, minimum-wage job, but I love the environment that it’s in. I work with kids ages six to twelve in a classroom/camp setting, and get to observe what goes on behind the scenes of a museum and what it might be like as a teacher, camp director, scientist, etcetera.
3. Job Shadow. So maybe you don’t want to make a volunteer commitment, there aren’t volunteer opportunities at a particular place, or there’s just one career you really want to look into. Ask to job shadow! Look into places near your city and simply contact them to ask if you could come in sometime. Maybe your family or someone you know has connections somewhere, ask them for possible opportunities that are available!
4. Try New Things. You probably have many undiscovered interests. I know that I knocked a lot of things down before I ever really got involved with them. For example, my anticipated major… environmental science! Before taking AP Environmental Science, I had no interest in the subject whatsoever. I didn’t have knowledge of the field, and no direct experience with it. I’ve always been a big nature person, but for some reason I just never saw myself as a tree hugger. After taking the course, I found my niche! Take new courses, look into free opportunities in your community, attend club meetings at your school, whatever it is that might incorporate a possible interest, even if you think you might hate it.
5. Talk to People. Talking it out is extremely helpful. Talk to your friends, your teachers, your family, your counselor, your hairstylist, everybody!!! Each person has their own connections, life experience, and advice for you. If you tell someone your hobbies, interests, experiences, and possible career goals they will probably have something for you to look into that you’ve never thought or heard of.
Well that’s my advice for this month! You may have heard these ideas over and over again, but seriously, try these things out, and do them more than once. You can always take something out of an experience; positive or not, you can use that to narrow down your interests and possible career choices. Good luck!!!!
2 thoughts on “MyMajors Quiz: Six Months Ago Vs. Now”