Alumni Profiles: Llew Mejia, Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Illustration BFA, 2012
Textile Designer / Illustrator
Select clients include: Adidas, Anthropologie, Apple, Chipotle, Google, Patagonia, Starbucks, Target

What do you do for work and how do you feel about it?

I illustrate, art direct, brand and work with clients on product for commercial purposes. I feel great about making things that exist as physical objects for people to purchase. It’s a living.

What inspires you?

People, objects, cultures, travel, occult books, antique textiles — the list goes on.

Why did you choose to major in illustration?

I chose illustration because it is the most versatile of all of the majors. I never felt like anything was off-limits because it is so open-ended. It was the “choose your own adventure” of majors available to students and there’s nothing I love more than creative freedom!

Tell us about your internship.

It was great. I traveled and lived in Australia for a while and did my internship there. I didn’t want to limit myself [to the U.S.] and decided to email people abroad and work with an artist collective there.

How do you network yourself and your art?

Social media, mostly.

Current obsession?

Antique Mexican ceramics.

Does Minneapolis offer many opportunities for creatives?

I think it is what you make of it. Now, with the internet, you can be anywhere and do anything.

How has your work evolved since graduating from MCAD?

I think I have figured out how to do my own work and be flexible in terms of style. I do a lot of textile work now, which I learned after leaving school. So I think that’s the greatest difference.

Name your one biggest takeaway from MCAD.

Don’t limit yourself by what others are doing, never listen to authorities and do what you want and work hard and you can get somewhere.

Where can we see more of your work? and @llewmejia on Instagram.

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Creative Outlook Magazine is for visual artists whose talents in the creative arts exceeds the norm and are interested in finding the right school for visual art majors.

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