I’ll be honest; I caught a lot of breaks in high school. From getting good grades to finishing assignments by the required deadlines, I was very lucky. It was about a year ago when I first attempted the SAT. I use the word attempt because the SAT is a very different test and it requires a very different approach. One thing about the SAT that everyone should know is that it requires a lot of mental endurance. In order to obtain such endurance the only thing you can do is study.
If you are like most people you will already have learned that studying isn’t a fun or entertaining thing. I learned this early on. It is important to learn the benefits of studying early on. It not only prepares you for the test, but it also creates a strong work ethic. Giving you tips on what I did while preparing for the SAT would result in a blank page, however, what I learned and what I wish I would have done results in what I will summarize in these three simple tips
1. Do the practice test- those practice test are good gauges on what type of questions will be on the actual test. Most importantly however is that you do these test timed. The hardest part of the test is comprehending the material as well as answering the question in the allotted time.
2. Schedule- Our body responds positively to repetition. Therefore, it would be smart to write out a schedule of when you will study everyday. This time should be close to the same time every day so when that time rolls around your body will be conditioned to sit down and practice the material. Additionally, I think that it would be smart to focus on a certain part of the test each day instead of combining everything together.
3. Vocab, Vocab, Vocab- Review vocab when ever you have down time. Not only will the vocab help during the Critical reading portion it will also help during the writing portion. It is important to both recognize and be able to deduct what each word means. If you are able to eliminate two of the choice then you are in good shape.
I don’t consider myself an expert, but if I was able to go through the process again, the above tips would be the ones I would try to follow. I hope each and everyone of you does well on the SAT and everything you do.
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