Procrastination….what an evil word.
Anytime you have an assigment due, or a deadline, it comes in and snatches away all of your time. A better word to describe it would be a burglar. What is the best way to deal with a burglar? Well, get a security system of course. That way whenever the burglar is around, you are well aware of it. You are able to better hide and save anything precious to you. In the case of the burglar Procrastination, you can always keep your time safe. At this point, the majority of you are wondering what kind of security system can keep the mighty Procrastination out. The answer is a schedule. This security system organizes all of your time. If some of it is missing or you are off track, you will know that you have been robbed by Procrastination. The lesson to learn from this is to establish a schedule and keep Procrastination OUT!