So it just amazes me. No, I am not talking about the dance skills of Kevin McHale. Although those really do amaze me. I am talking about the bigger picture. I am talking about how we, as individuals, are viewed in life.
I had a revelation today. There are these two girls in school. I don’t know them very well, but they call me ‘beautiful’, everyday. Like, “Hey Beautiful”. Not by my name, or even ‘President’, as one used to call me. Now, this may be based on my looks, my inner person, or their generosity. The interesting thing here is that all I know about them is nothing – except that are two good-lookin’ gals who like pizza and play sports (because let’s face it, who doesn’t like pizza?) I’ve never had a conversation or experience with either one of them, so I would think that they do not really know me either. Hence, my puzzlement on the origins of that nickname.
Then there are some other people. They either give me rude looks, bump into me in the hallways and tell me to watch where I’m going, call me “Hey YOU”, something unmentionable, or nothing at all. They are rude, snobbish, and they gossip – all the while claiming that it is I who hold these characteristics – not them. These people, of course, do not call or lead me to believe that they think I am in any way beautiful. Or even mildly attractive.
Then there are my true friends, who love me, it would appear, no matter what I say or do.
I realize that whether people like me or not has absolutely nothing to do with me. I am myself in every situation.
It has everything to do with how some one else reacts to me – how other people see me. Whoever ‘they’ make me in their eyes is who I am to them.
So, there really is no point in sweating it – trying to be extremely nice or impressive or whatever.
I just need to be myself, because people will have their opinions of me, in spite of me. It’s who they are.