I see students fail their classes or worse, drop out of school all together, because they did not know who to turn to for help or were too scared to ask for it. College was never designed to be easy! Regardless of whether or not you are an adult student returning to school later on in life or a student fresh out of high school, college will present you with many difficult and daunting challenges. There are a few important things I stress to my students when they begin their college career:
1.) Your Instructors are there to help. No one is perfect at everything; my hardest classes in college involved anything to do with numbers, so when taking a math class I knew I had to ask for help and a lot of it! Do not hesitate to reach out to your instructors and tell them you are struggling, that is exactly what they are there for. Many times instructors will be willing to work with you after class, one on one, to help guide you through what you do not understand. They will know of any study groups or tutors on campus or online that can work with you to help you through the class. The most important thing to remember is if you do not know the answer then be sure you ask the question. I recommend that your instructors know you by name and face in every class, regardless of size. The more interaction you have with them the better! Instructors are great motivators! They want you to be successful. Trust me on this.
2.) Your Academic Advisor knows everything about everything! Okay maybe I am a bit biased in saying this because I am an Academic Advisor, but my motto is “If I don’t know the answer I will find someone who does”. Your Advisor is there to advise you, so when you’re going through a difficult time with your classes or juggling school with work/personal life reach out and speak with your Advisor. Academic Advisors are great resources; they will know about study groups on campus, what classes you should be taking, when registration is, career counseling, and many other important things; so if you are having a hard time reach out and seek your Advisor’s input. Take the time to find out your Academic Advisor’s office hours and be sure you know his/her office phone number and email so you never have an excuse to not get in contact with him.
3.) Find a Motivator. This is extremely important for anyone who decides to embark upon the journey of attending college. I recommend that for your own sanity and success in college you find someone who can be there cheering you on, every step of the way. Whether this person is a family member, friend, coworker, Academic Advisor, or an instructor you formed a great relationship with, it does not matter. You just need someone who can push you when you feel down. You may not pass every exam, you may have to drop a class or two and that is okay. But if you feel like you are doing this all by yourself, you are making your chances at success that much more difficult. So be sure when you begin school you find a motivational buddy who cares about your success and wants to see you achieve your goals- hopefully that person will be there to cheer you on when you walk across the stage at graduation!
Wherever you have decided to go to college remember that the entire University is there to see you be successful, you just have to reach out for that help. Never be scared to ask questions because questions can open doors. Good luck and remember failure is nothing but an opportunity to find another way to be successful.
What a great blog post! Thanks for the help, Andrea. I look forward to reading your blog posts!
sweetie your the best. like spunk,academia or not, dumb is not stupid just afraid to talk