So… the day started out bright and early!
Woke up around 8 [really that’s 5 am at home T-T]. Got ready. Then headed down to Boston University. First was the information session, then the college tour. The school was interesting! My parents commented that the people looked like nice, friendly people 😀 Totally unlike some of the snobbish people I know at Troy [no offense, but SOME Troy people have this elitist attitude]. Ah, now I shall list a bunch of boring facts only because I need to remember some facts for when I write college essays and stuff… and because I’d like to remember.
- Only 4% of classes have a class size over 100 students. Mostly professors teach. Rarely will you have to deal with a TA.
- Easily accessible campus. One street has everything!!! Kinda a small campus.
- Do NOT drive there. Lots of public transportation. The streets aren’t perfectly square anyways. It’s really confusing.
- Most people study abroad at least once.
- Friendly faces.
- Mostly college students live in the area. Next to Harvard, MIT, etc. XD [we actually got lost and somehow wandered to Harvard before we found BU. Dad commented that that’s the closest we’ll get to Harvard…]
- Professor offices are easily accessed. [whole row of buildings just for them!]
- Tends to emphasis on group projects.
- Quidditch is a popular sport.
- Famous people who went there include MLK Jr.
- Dual-Degree program can let you complete two degrees in 4 years in different colleges within the school.
- Studying abroad is the same price as studying at Boston.
- Info lady said that in our essay we SHOULD NEVER talk about how great the city is, since there are like 60 other schools in Boston.
- Much individual counseling if switching majors like a million times.
Anyways! After that, we went to visit the JFK Presidential Library. That was interesting… we got to see lots of old photos, hand written stuff, clothing his wife wore, etc. And afterwards we ate at the cafe at the exit.
Since we had an afternoon to kill, we went to the harbor and took a boat tour. Lots of interesting stuff by the shore. From defense fortresses that inspired one of Edgar Allen Poe’s works to Samuel Adam’s old storehouse turned into a restaurant, the tour guide told us lots about stuff we could see from the boat. We even saw the U.S.S. Constitution, an old boat we used to fight in the War of 1812! Yeah. Did you know that that boat is still OFFICIALLY in the Navy? In order to be part of the navy, a boat must travel at least one mile per year. They drive the U.S.S. Constitution that one mile on Fourth of July.
After that lovely boat ride, we began our 1.5 hour drive to Providence, Rhode Island where I am now. Ate dinner at Mccormik and Schmicks. Tomorrow? Brown University and Rhode Island School of Design!