One of my senior New Years reslolutions was to think positive about everything in my life. I must say I was a bit discouraged coming into this year especially when I got my schedule last week. One thing my dad always tells me is to take every negative or discouraging thing in your life and see if something positive can come out of it. I know I speak for myself and others when I say I’m not a fan of first days, so I wrote this list to encourage anybody not looking forward to the first day.
1. Reuniting with old friends
I don’t know about you but I don’t see my friends much in the summer I’m usually stuck at home (that’s changing this year). I communicate every other way besides in person, and it becomes sort of a bummer man. I look at school as a break from my parents, I love them to death but teachers are nothing like parents. High school is basically a social common ground man, I know a lot of people say its purely for education but I’m not buying it, never did.
2. New Teachers
Every year I encounter a couple of teachers that I just don’t have the hots for. I always hope the next year provides better instructors, because lets face it teachers are a big part of the high school experience.
3. New Crushes
I have to admit I find a new crush every year. Now hear me out girls are not my 1st or 2nd priority in school, but they provide fun and sort of a stress reliever from all the school work. Can’t go to school with them, can’t go to school without them.
4. New First Impressions
One thing I’ve realized about school, is that after two months of summer, peoples perception of you change. That could be either good or bad for you. People could respect you more or less, talk to you more often if not at all. It’s up to you to decide how you want to be seen or heard.
5. A Fresh Start
We all have those friends that got everything but an A or a B on there report card (could be you). They always say, “Next year I’m getting all A’s” sometimes you believe them most times not. The good thing about going to another grade is the clean slate that comes with it. Again you decide what you want to do with that.
6. Meeting New People
Every year I make an effort to find the shyest person in the class and befriend that person. Especially if that person is a new student, you never know a simple “hi” can totally brighten their day man for real.
7. Showing Up In That New Car!
To me, being 17 and fairly responsible, showing up in the student parking lot shows a sense of power man. I’m going to be real with you I don’t have a car yet, but I ride my dads car like I’ve owned it for two years. Hey make the best of what you have.
8. Enjoy the least amount of homework you’ll have the whole year!
Some teachers will go out of their way to give you homework the first day, so do yourself a favor and expect it. Most teachers will be so caught up in paper work they won’t be thinking about homework at least until the next week.
9. Become a friendly face to your principal
I know it sounds like becoming a kiss up but that’s only if you make yourself believe that. All I’m saying is smile or something, a smile can take you places (and get you out of things).
10. Look forward to enjoying yourself!
If you go into the first day of school saying, “This is going to be the best first day of school I’ve ever had” then you are setting yourself up for that. Class is only as fun or boring as you make it ( unless your teacher hates being at school more than you do) so DO YOU!