Not much walking needed today, since we decided to stay at the hotel on campus at Syracuse University 🙂 Scheduling worked out perfectly, because not only was this the day we get to visit the school, but it was also one of two “Summer Campus Day”s they have on campus! So first there was free breakfast, then a presentation and a speech from some administrative person. Then came the part where we headed off to the specific college we were looking into where they gave a speech about that specific program [I headed off to the Visual and Performing Arts]. Afterwards they served lunch, had a dormitory tour, and then an open house where we could wander into any department we wished [I looked into the Newman’s School of Communication].
- Ehh… parents discourage studying in Communication Design. It’s too art schoolish for me. Plus, it’s kinda in its own little world. It is basically an art school stuck in a university.
- The school is REALLY good at public communications. And that’s probably what I’ll go into at the school. Either their advertising or graphic design.
- Max Patino strongly urges us to network with people at the school… you know. Just to increase your chances 😛 I have his business card. Need to email later.
- City looks kind run-down when not on campus. But the campus is nice 😀
- It is strongly encouraged for those in communications to double major or minor, just so that you can combine studies.
- VPA will be there on portfolio days. Can have an advising period before actually turning in a portfolio.
- School interview is strongly encouraged.
- Can’t combine VPA with Newman’s for a double major 🙁 studies are apparently “too different” to do in four years.
Not too shabby for a safe school 🙂
Afterwards, went back to the hotel; took a nap. We were gonna go to this Chocolate Pizza place, but they were closed when we got there 🙁 Ate sushi for dinner. YUM. And now just chilling in the hotel room watching America’s Funniest Videos 😛
No changing hotels today… since Colgate University which is in Hamilton, NY is only about an hour away.
If you’re thinking to go into graphic design, I really think you should spend more time evaluating Communications Design. It’s a strong program with a huge alumni network. A few often minor in Newhouse, if your heart is set on their programs.
What helped me decide was comparing Newhouse graduate design portfolios with VPA grad portfolios.