Campus Tours can be challenging if you aren’t prepared. Follow these tips to make your upcoming campus visit as easy as possible:
I know it sounds obvious, but it is honestly so important. The students giving tours are currently going to the schools you’re touring, so they’re the best to tell you about their schools. If you don’t pay attention, you may miss something really important. Your future is on the line here, don’t zone out, because you may miss the deciding factor for whether or not you attend the school you’re touring! Your first few college tours may be overwhelming, but by your 3rd or 4th, you’ll be a natural at picking out what’s important to you. I know I zoned out too many times, and I don’t want you guys to make that mistake!
2. Make a List
Before your tour, make a list of things you want and don’t want in a college. During or after your tour, make a list of things you liked and didn’t like about the school you visited. It may sound like a lot of work, but it will definitely help you narrow down your options, so you can be sure of picking a school that’s perfect for you. For example, say you think you want a large school in an urban area, but you visit a medium sized school in a suburban area, and you really like the school. You should change your criteria and visit more schools like the medium school, but also visit a large school, just to make sure you made a good call.
3. Ask Questions
It doesn’t matter if you’re shy or not, if you have a question, ask it! Don’t just wait and see if someone else asks it, because it may not happen. The tour guides will be more than willing to answer your questions, because they’re passionate about their school and want you to be as well; if they weren’t, they wouldn’t be there! You won’t seem dumb for asking questions, and I’m sure other students have the same questions and will be silently thanking you for asking them.
4. Take Pictures
Take pictures of what you like, take pictures of what you don’t like, take pictures of anything you want. Taking pictures will help you remember the college and campus when it comes time to make the big decision. Like the view? Take a picture! Like the science building? Take a picture of that too! Don’t like the look of that building over there? Take a picture so you remember that. Take a picture of any statue or any symbol that represents the school and its student body. Pictures are a great way to differentiate schools, because after you go on all of your college campus tours, it can be hard to tell the difference when they all blend together.

5. Listen to Advice from Adults
Your teachers know your learning habits, your guidance counselor is trained to council you (woah no way), and the people you live with know you pretty well, because they live with you, so there’s no one better to ask advice from. You may think you know what’s best for you, but don’t push away advice from people who’ve gone through the process you’re about to go through.
5+1. HAVE FUN!
It’s like a mini vacation…sort of….if you’re into spending time with your family, you can do that, but if you don’t like that sort of stuff, you’re taking a glimpse into your possible future! You can imagine yourself hanging out in the quad or eating at the dining hall and spending time with friends, too! College is supposed to be fun, so don’t be uptight about it, but still pay attention and take it seriously. It’s a big step in your life, so it’s ok to be a little scared, but you’ll be fine, trust me.