Hello, again, MyMajors Patrons!
It is with great enthusiasm that I share that I absolutely believe the sophomore slump to only exists in high school!
Why do you ask? Because I (and not only I) have returned to school reenergized, rejuvenated, and revamped. This year is going to be awesome and intense and magical.
This belief began with my awesome summer. Remember when I mentioned being part of a film, and that more details were to come? WELL HERE THEY ARE.
I’m sitting in a Starbucks on 2nd Avenue (this is at the end of freshmen year) studying for one of my academic classes when I get a text from one of my friends that says, “They’re filming Spider-man 2 at Union Square.” Naturally, my next course of action is to pack up as soon as I can and sprint over there to watch. I text my long time friend Patrick about it, because he’s a fanatic. I get there, and he gets there, and all these other people are already there, and it’s one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. I know there’s admiration in my eyes – at what the director and the actors are doing, the general cast, the hardworking crew. I know there’s a twinkle of lust in my eyes too – there must be. I wanted to be on the other side of the fence so badly.

No, I did not sneak into the film. I did one better. I said to the Universe: Wouldn’t it be great if I got to be in this? I’m gonna be in this someday. Maybe the third one.
I get an email a couple of weeks later requesting my attendance at a fitting. You guessed it. The next thing I know I’m being decked out with jewelry, a cap and gown, and an agreement that says I will be paid the non-union rate, and that I must keep mum about certain facts on social media – no spoilers allowed.
So I won’t spoil anything. But I will share that I felt absolutely elated upon stepping on the set, upon seeing Stan Lee and Sally Fields and Emma and Andrew and FLASH. I sprung to action anytime I was given a direction, even if it was “Quiet on set.” I met some really amazing people, aged 10 (my assigned little brother) to It’s-Not-Polite-To-Ask (all the graduates’ assigned parents and grandparents). I was even accidentally handed Peter Parker’s signed diploma, which is a big deal actually, because I don’t think the camera even got to see the signatures on that thing.
Also, I finally know what craft service is and what trailers look like on the inside. That might have been the fanciest moving rest room I’ve ever stepped in.
More to come! (Especially after the film is up, I’ll put up a picture of my decorated cap – and my surrounding classmates’ – so we can attempt to spot me).
With Love and Excitement and Good Wishes,
I would like to be a star