MyMajors Mobile App Featured on Google Play!
Exciting news for our MyMajors Mobile App! We are featured on Google Play for “Make the grade with these great apps!”
Being among GREAT mobile apps such as Merriam-Webster, Evernote and Skype is a true honor! Our small company is dedicated to providing as many tools as we can to help students find the RIGHT school for them! … We are sooo happy to be standing next to “the big boys” and know that with hard work we can be even BETTER and help even MORE students!
Check it out!
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MyMajors Mobile App Featured on Google Play!
Being among GREAT mobile apps such as Merriam-Webster, Evernote and Skype is a true honor! Our small company is dedicated to providing as many tools as we can to help students find the RIGHT school for them! … We are sooo happy to be standing next to “the big boys” and know that with hard work we can be even BETTER and help even MORE students!
Check it out!
Download the app for your android, iPhone, iPod, or iPad2 device:

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