Choosing a Major
Some people know what they’ve wanted to do their whole life. If you’re anything like me, your high school self is indecisive and just wants to fart around for a while. It’s not that I didn’t have any idea what I wanted to DO, I just didn’t know what I wanted to BE career wise in the future. For the longest time I knew two facts about what my future career would consist of:
1) NOT math or science
2) NOT in a cubicle
Looking back at the first time I ever took the MyMajors quiz over a year ago to see what major “fit” me, I got this result…

It’s quite interesting to compare this result, to the result I just got when I took the quiz a half hour ago after I’ve been to college for about 2 months and FINALLY settled on a major. This was the result I got:

You see, the thing is, quizzes don’t necessarily match up to your actual major. As someone who aspires to change the world and help people, although I am artistic, I feel much better in my soon-to-be-declared Broadcast and Digital Journalism major! Even though I love art, it’s difficult to keep me motivated to make art without a specific assignment, so I’d rather keep art as a hobby rather than a major. I suppose the major on this list that makes the most sense is Film, Cinema, and Video. The major I’d like to switch into really incorporates these aspects as we learn how to use camera equipment to shoot the news reports in addition to writing them!
If you’ve been following my blog posts, you might be wondering, “Ashley… when did you get into broadcasting? I thought you were interested in advertising!” Well, you’re right. I changed my mind. And the great part about college is you don’t HAVE to know what your major is going into college until about the end of your sophomore year! I’ve been thinking about switching out of advertising for a while. The idea of combining creativity and communication is a great concept, the reality of the job didn’t fit my personality. The career fair that I attended today at my school confirmed that. Overall there were panels set up with professionals in each communication school’s major to talk about the realities of the field one is interested in. These career fairs are VERY HELPFUL and I recommend everyone to go to one. Going to this career fair made me realize that the advertising industry might be a bit too clique-y for my taste and the trade leans towards business and sales more than it does just creative strategy.
As you all go out and search for the major the best advice I can give you is this: Just because you like the idea of a career doesn’t mean you’ll love the reality of it. Do your research and talk to people in the field. 🙂
Until next time,
Choosing a Major
Some people know what they’ve wanted to do their whole life. If you’re anything like me, your high school self is indecisive and just wants to fart around for a while. It’s not that I didn’t have any idea what I wanted to DO, I just didn’t know what I wanted to BE career wise in the future. For the longest time I knew two facts about what my future career would consist of:
1) NOT math or science
2) NOT in a cubicle
Looking back at the first time I ever took the MyMajors quiz over a year ago to see what major “fit” me, I got this result…
It’s quite interesting to compare this result, to the result I just got when I took the quiz a half hour ago after I’ve been to college for about 2 months and FINALLY settled on a major. This was the result I got:
You see, the thing is, quizzes don’t necessarily match up to your actual major. As someone who aspires to change the world and help people, although I am artistic, I feel much better in my soon-to-be-declared Broadcast and Digital Journalism major! Even though I love art, it’s difficult to keep me motivated to make art without a specific assignment, so I’d rather keep art as a hobby rather than a major. I suppose the major on this list that makes the most sense is Film, Cinema, and Video. The major I’d like to switch into really incorporates these aspects as we learn how to use camera equipment to shoot the news reports in addition to writing them!
If you’ve been following my blog posts, you might be wondering, “Ashley… when did you get into broadcasting? I thought you were interested in advertising!” Well, you’re right. I changed my mind. And the great part about college is you don’t HAVE to know what your major is going into college until about the end of your sophomore year! I’ve been thinking about switching out of advertising for a while. The idea of combining creativity and communication is a great concept, the reality of the job didn’t fit my personality. The career fair that I attended today at my school confirmed that. Overall there were panels set up with professionals in each communication school’s major to talk about the realities of the field one is interested in. These career fairs are VERY HELPFUL and I recommend everyone to go to one. Going to this career fair made me realize that the advertising industry might be a bit too clique-y for my taste and the trade leans towards business and sales more than it does just creative strategy.
As you all go out and search for the major the best advice I can give you is this: Just because you like the idea of a career doesn’t mean you’ll love the reality of it. Do your research and talk to people in the field. 🙂
Until next time,
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