It’s never too early to start researching colleges!
Whether you’re looking around online, asking adults about where they went, or actually visiting campuses, anything that will get you closer to a decision about where to apply can help to your college search. A lot of students choose to visit schools over their Spring Break, so it’s important that you look at each school’s website and set up an appointment for a scheduled tour. These tend to fill up very quickly since many counties have their breaks over the same time period. Punctuality is always important, so make sure you show up to check in to the tour before the scheduled time. Come prepared to ask questions! The tour guides are prepared to answer any and all questions you have, and even if you aren’t interested in that school, it’s good to note what you do and don’t like to give you a better idea of what you’re looking for in a school.

It might be a little early to start applying for schools, especially because most schools don’t have their Fall 2016 applications posted yet, but it’s important that you don’t procrastinate your college search. You might think you have a ton of time, and you don’t need to start your apps yet, but if you keep that mentality, you’re going to put off all of your apps until the last minute, and they won’t be true displays of your abilities. Keep a note of all of your deadlines and requirements, and make sure your counselor knows which schools you’re interested in, so that way they can ensure all of the correct materials are sent to each school on time, and they can prepare you properly. For some, the application process seems easy and simple, and for others, they dread every minute of it. Hopefully, if you get everything you need in on time, it’ll be easy.
If you’ve submitted all of your applications, congratulations! I know that’s a huge weight off your back! If you’ve been accepted, awesome! But don’t forget you still have a few months left to finish up! If you’re still waiting on a decision, I know how stressful that can be; I’m still waiting to hear from 4 schools myself. There’s not much you can do at this point except wait, and of course, continue to do your best in school. Don’t stress too much about it, since there really isn’t much you can do about it. I wish you all the best of luck, and I hope you get into your top choices!!