I suppose I should quickly recap September and October of my Senior Year. Maybe then my entries will be up to date with what is actually happening in my life. 😀
School actually started for me at the end of August. And people say you should “take it easy” senior year. Oh the irony. Yes, I am taking an “easy” senior year, with AP Literature, AP French, AP Drawing, AP Environmental Science, AP Calculus BC, AP Macroeconomics. HAH. Amazingly, this is easy at my school. I don’t have a 0 period and AP Environmental Science is considered the joke AP class let alone AP Art.
It’s a bit amusing how serious people are when it comes to college apps. On the first day of school, a bunch of my classmates lined up at their English teacher’s door with the completed application to GET a teacher recommendation. Sometimes I think my school is a factory line… I don’t know students from other schools who need to fill out an application… to get a teacher recommendation. Not to say I wasn’t just as assertive… I “visited” my AP Bio teacher second day of school right at the start of lunch. Apparently I still wasn’t the first. XD Thank goodness I have teacher application stuff dealt with already. I felt like writing those applications were longer than a college application essay itself!
If there’s one thing I can say I did right, it is that I answered all the questions with honesty. I keep hearing that it is important to be yourself… the college wants to know your personality. After all, grades and numbers can speak for themselves right? Maybe I answered the questions with too much honestly? I remember in my AP Bio teacher’s recommendation form, I basically vented what bothered me about the school I am at, and how that was the biggest challenge. I even went into the nitty gritty details about cheating at school… even gave examples of some things I have heard. HAHA. I was so proud of what I wrote, I showed it to all my friends… maybe not the best choice I’ve made, but whatever. 😛 I must admit, it was awkward when some guy who I included in my story [not in a good way either, for he was an example] wanted to read it too. Of course I took out that page before I handed it to him. And after I’ve almost completed my early decision application [which is… due next Tuesday D: NOVEMBER 1st IS ALMOST HERE], I realize have used my college essays as a chance to organize and get to know myself better than I have ever known myself before. It’s almost like analyzing yourself as if you were a fictional character in a novel you read in English class.
Random break in paragraph here… I honestly don’t care about “smooth transitioning” in my blog posts 😛 The fact that I actually ponder over something like smooth transitions in something I use for the sole purpose of sharing and documenting my college searching process is just… super nerdy. Did I mention I am a nerd? I’m a proud Whovian and Nerdfighter! 😀 (Doctor Who and vlogbrothers fans anyone?) but I digress. I was going to begin talking about the one event every student should go to if they are considering art in college: National Portfolio Day. Um… I apologize for the next rocky transition from topic to topic. Gosh, my mind is just jumping everywhere tonight. Did I mention it is 12:07 am? Yeah. I was supposed to turn this entry in at least 7 minutes ago. But I doubt anyone working on the East Coast for MyMajors is at work 6am. After this, I still have an APES project to start [and finish D:] and English questions to answer on Hamlet.
October 1st. That was an important day for me. In the morning, I had my VERY LAST ROUND OF STANDARDIZED TESTING EVER! I took the SAT 2 Math Level 2, since I found out to apply to Carnegie Mellon in their Humanities/Sciences department requires such a test. Turns out I did well….-ish for not really studying and taking this test a year after I should have taken it [Take it after pre-calc while the stuff is still fresh in your mind!!! 730… not too shabby]. THEN, I went straight to art class. I missed the first half of the first class in Figure Painting. The new quarter had just started at Saturday High, a high school program at Art Center College of Design. This class is awesome by the way… the teacher is a Star Wars fan and plays the Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack in class. We watch movies for homework assignments.
I gotta go… shower, watch a National Geographic program and write a summary on it, complete and correct 2 APES IQ’s, and do study questions for Hamlet. Goodnight 🙂
PS. Before I go, I’d just like to share with you a song that has been stuck in my head… for the past 4 days. Maybe this is the start of senioritis or something… I PRAY TO GOD IT’S NOT SENIORITIS, but listen to the song “Shake it Out” by Florence and the Machine. Whenever I hear this song [it has been on replay for the last week], I imagine graduation day. And after we’ve graduated, this song will start to play, and everyone will move in slow motion, dancing, cheering, crying. I romanticize life too much. I know very well there is no dramatic ending to graduation. You just sit there… stunned. Kind of like death…. not that I’d know or anything. I’m not dead. If you’ve ever read the book As I Lay Dying by Faulkner, you’d know that death is just… quiet. Sorry for a really unorganized post. I apologize… for like… the third time tonight. BYE!
Doctor Who is awesome.
And yes, rec letters are really serious business at our school. It’s amazing how quickly people nab teachers…I swear, they must have gotten up at the break of dawn to get to school before everyone else and line up.
As I Lay Dying was a pain in the butt to read.
Your post was hilariously random and reflective of…I don’t know, you? xD
I am now stalking you not only on Facebook, but here as well. Be very afraid.