
Rachel, MyMajors Intern
Pictured above: Campus security and myself… Not really, but I am wearing my MyMajors shirt so it is related to this blog!
(even though you cannot see where it says that due to my luscious locks… work with me here.)

My name is Ally and I’ve decided to start a blog. Though I’m not necessarily sure how this blog thing is going to go, I suppose it’s worth a shot and it sounded like a neat idea.

I guess I’ll start with a little about me so that you can get to know me. I’m in high school, though I’m starting the whole college application process (Scary!). I am involved in several activities such as Drama, Choir, Destination Imagination, Girl Scouts, and several groups at my church. Being Catholic is a huge part of who I am, thanks to my parents.  I love and thank  both of my parents immensely for raising me right and for always being there for me. I also have a little sister named Catherine who is quite the card. I’ve never met a funnier person. I love her and she is my best friend.

I’m a strange kid, according to my friends, and I’m okay with that. My two favorite hobbies are reading and acting. I read all the time. My favorite book is A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. As for acting, theatre is a passion. I am going to be very sad at the end of this year when I have to give it up. I’ve done theatre forever, and I am currently rehearsing to play Sandy in Grease this fall at school. I also have acted in a few short movies for my school’s film class and had a blast. Acting has done so much for my confidence and is so much fun. I’ll always remember those good times. (:

Beside that, I love classic rock, Pirates of the Caribbean, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Phantom of the Opera, and Vitamin Water. I have the best friends I could ever ask for, I have the best family I could ever ask for, and I have been blessed. I hope that this blog actually turns out to be something. I will try my best. Thanks for taking the time to read this mess!


Hello there, I'm Ally! Like most young people, I think I'm unique. I love theater, film, literature, and especially Harry Potter. Feel free to follow me along the rocky journey known as the "College Application Process".

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