My name is Ally and I’ve decided to start a blog. Though I’m not necessarily sure how this blog thing is going to go, I suppose it’s worth a shot and it sounded like a neat idea.
I guess I’ll start with a little about me so that you can get to know me. I’m in high school, though I’m starting the whole college application process (Scary!). I am involved in several activities such as Drama, Choir, Destination Imagination, Girl Scouts, and several groups at my church. Being Catholic is a huge part of who I am, thanks to my parents. I love and thank both of my parents immensely for raising me right and for always being there for me. I also have a little sister named Catherine who is quite the card. I’ve never met a funnier person. I love her and she is my best friend.
I’m a strange kid, according to my friends, and I’m okay with that. My two favorite hobbies are reading and acting. I read all the time. My favorite book is A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. As for acting, theatre is a passion. I am going to be very sad at the end of this year when I have to give it up. I’ve done theatre forever, and I am currently rehearsing to play Sandy in Grease this fall at school. I also have acted in a few short movies for my school’s film class and had a blast. Acting has done so much for my confidence and is so much fun. I’ll always remember those good times. (:
Beside that, I love classic rock, Pirates of the Caribbean, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Phantom of the Opera, and Vitamin Water. I have the best friends I could ever ask for, I have the best family I could ever ask for, and I have been blessed. I hope that this blog actually turns out to be something. I will try my best. Thanks for taking the time to read this mess!