As a kid, I thought I knew exactly what I wanted to do. My favorite person in the world was Steve Irwin, and his drive and passion for animals connected with me. Because of this connection the only thing I wanted to do was go to college, study zoology, then move to Australia. When I learned that he passed away after being pierced by a stingy ray I was devastated. That was the first time I faced a death of someone who I could say I really cared about. More than devastated though I was mad. I was mad that he died the way he did, that after all the work he did, he was gone, and that his vision, his teachings, would never be presented the same way. Not soon after Steve Irwin’s death, I began to distance myself from the thought of working with animals; it wasn’t the same to me anymore.
Years passed and life went on. It wasn’t until high school that I again began thinking about what I wanted to major in. I was sitting in my Chemistry class and my friends were talking about how they wanted to major in Biology, Chemistry or some type of Engineering. As they discussed why, I sat there wondering why I had absolutely no idea what I planned to do after high school. Sure I liked a lot of things but did I really want to go and do that type of job everyday? I couldn’t come up with an answer. So, I began exploring. Exploring is what lead me to MyMajors, and instinctively I took their majors quiz. I’m not certain on what results I got, but they definitely opened my eyes to fields that I would have never thought about.
Despite having an analyzes of majors that I might enjoy, I still wasn’t satisfied with a certain one or a certain career. Maybe it’s a Steve thing, or maybe I’m drawn to those with passion and vision, because I can’t find mine, but for a good year or so I was certain I wanted to be a Computer Science major. Steve Jobs, was a genius, is vision of technology and his understanding of people is unmatched by anyone. He found what he loved and but everything he had into it. I couldn’t tell you how many times I watched his commencement address to Stanford. He really did change the way the world viewed computers and technology.
Now that college has started, I’m once again uncertain on what I want to do. MyMajors has asked me to retake the majors quiz this month and see what has changed. The results that I got are interesting but also strange. The top five majors I got in this evaluation were Accounting, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Forensic Science, and Physics. This is strange to me because Accounting continues to be my top major on all major evaluations, however the next majors are completely different then Accounting. After some filtering of majors I’m least interested in, Biochemistry, Statistics and Actuarial Science, Aerospace Engineering are also some of my top majors. I am also relieved with the fact that the majors that I got are once that I am currently interested.
My Major Journey as reached present day and I can’t honestly say I am anymore set on a major or career than I was a year ago. What I can say is that after seeing that those Steves, who I admire for their passion, just lived, and in living enjoyed what came to them. More times than not we tend to look for those keys, those choices, that one major, that will unlock the door to our future. In reality, the door is already unlocked, and with a pinch of faith and a spoonful of courage, we have to open that door, go through and believe that in going through that door, twenty more doors are ready to be opened and explored. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Life is a journey, not a destination,” and it is time for me, more than anyone, to realize that there is no perfect major, but many options that will open up even greater opportunities.