To SAT or To Not SAT

It’s September, and for high school seniors, it is a month full of panic and indecision about what college readiness exams they should take before October. With choices as diverse as the ACT, the SAT, and the SAT Subject Tests, narrowing down the options can be a difficult task. Although your teachers always pester at you to take the SAT, how do you know that it is the test for you? Look no further, because your ultimate pros and cons list of the SAT is right here, ready for you to use your own judgment on what test to take.

SAT Test

The SAT has many, many sections. As someone who took the SAT last year, I can testify that the test has ten sections, and lasts for four hours. Although it is about the same length as the ACT, the multiple sections can take a toll on you after awhile, depending on your test taking strategy. The ACT has fewer sections, but there are more questions in each section. For me, I preferred the SAT because although it had more sections, there were fewer questions per section, which made it more manageable throughout the testing block.

Don’t let the cost of the test get you down. Are you worried about the cost of each test? Don’t let it define your chance of getting into college. Both the SAT and the ACT offer fee waivers, which include score reports that you can send to colleges. If you are someone who may need a fee waiver, talk to your counselor or principal to get it arranged. Specific qualifications can be found at or

Both will require studying. No matter what test you choose (or if you are ambitious enough to take both), you will need to study to get your ideal score. There are a multitude of test preparation services, either online or in your local community. Success is when opportunity and preparation meet, so it is essential that you do your part to be successful on both tests.

Both tests are great indicators of your natural abilities, but don’t forget to register! The deadline for the SAT’s October test registration is on Friday, September 12th and the ACT’s October test registration deadline is on Friday, September 19th.

Julia Schemmer

I am a high school senior from a small town in California, dreaming of becoming an international human rights lawyer, foreign correspondent and diplomat in the Middle East.

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