College for today? The University of Pennsylvania!
So, the environment is much different than the calm, serene Brown. As UPenn is located in Philadelphia, I was surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the city. [this means there was a HECK of a lot construction goin’ on. I had to cover my ears on the street] Luckily when we got to campus, it was more quiet.
- UPenn is known for three things: Engineering, Business, Nursing. And since I’m not interested in either of those three, I might have a higher chance of getting into a less popular major! Seriously, this place is like Troy Round 2. Not very many artsy people, so I guess that’s how I’ll be unique.
- Man, their studying facility is soooooooo nice in the library. Such vibrant colors… nice booths for studying. They really encourage helping their peers rather than competing with them.
- These people are really hardcore on grades o.o I can’t count the number of times the information session officer emphasized GPA.
- So… one downer, they don’t care about the school’s rank. They only care that you do well in your school :/
- There is a sculpture of a broken button across from the statue of Ben Franklin because the sculptor noticed that Franklin was missing a button on his coat.
- Really strong studying abroad program.
- Kelley Rivard house is a house for people to just write things. Many literary journals at Penn.
- Lots of arts festivals and dance groups at Penn. 😀
Anyways. Going to college visits really did help in my ordering/priorities. After visiting UPenn, we went to go find the Liberty Bell but the line was too long 🙁 Took a picture in front of the building instead! XD Then… drove off to New York City! Tomorrow we’ll be visiting Parsons New School of Design; the day after will be Pratt Institute of Design. I’m not really looking into design schools anymore… but since I signed up months ago… why not? Maybe I’ll change my mind.
After we got to New York, went to the American Girl Place for Sam 😛 to get a new outfit for her doll. Ate at T.G.I. Fridays. And then watched a Spiderman broadway show! Ok… so I wasn’t too big of a fan of that particular show. It wasn’t bad… it’s just…. Superheroes don’t mesh with singing in my opinion.