Comments on: Letters of Recommendation: How to Ask? Who to Ask? Student Blog | Counselor Blog Fri, 11 Dec 2020 21:51:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Krista Leighton Wed, 05 Sep 2012 14:35:16 +0000 I love your article about asking for letters of reference. You did a great job hitting on what many students miss during this process. It is very important to have them remember that the potential reference is doing the student a favor and should respect their time and effort accordingly.

I would suggest you add one thing to your article if you post it again in the future. Many graduate and professional schools as well as employers have moved to an ONLINE posting for references. It is not likely that professors and employers will actually write a letter on their letterhead and have you pick them up anymore. If they do, it is definitely not the most common method. I recommend to our students that they ask in advance to see if the person is willing to be a reference for them. Then tell them to send their potential reference information about the program of study (schools) for which they will be applying to as well as a resume so they know what else the student has been doing. Finally, let the potential reference know that they will probably be sent an electronic link from the school or potential employer so that they can upload the letters of recommendation directly to their site.

I hope this information is helpful.
