4 Ways to Fail Your SAT before Walking into the Testing Room
So… it’s the night before you take your SAT … and now that the time is actually here, you’re freaking out! Take a few deep breaths and remember not to let these 4 things get in the way of the score you want to achieve.
Staying up late
Yes, it’s a Friday night, all of your friends are going out… but you, my friend have a SAT tomorrow morning, bright and early. So you’re not going to be partying hard, or catching up on your favorite TV show… or even lying in bed and daydreaming about that person you’ve been crushing on. No! Instead you will get to bed before ten, cuddle up with your favorite blanket, and sleep like a baby… a baby that’s going to wake up the next morning and ACE their SAT, of course!
Being Underprepared
Here is your test day ritual: (learn it, live it… LOVE it!)
- Eat your normal breakfast
- Dress comfortably (bring a jacket and wear a short-sleeved shirt, just in case it gets cold or hot)
- Get to the SAT testing site early with a calculator and extra pencils!
- Make sure you go to the restroom before the test, you will not get time you’ve lost back just because you need a bathroom break… Test Smart!
- Turn your cellphone on silent, turn it on airplane mode, turn it off, take the battery out, AND leave it in your car! A cell phone going off is a major College Board testing faux pas, don’t let your cell phone be the reason that your test is not graded!
- Keep watching the clock, if you are not sure that a clock will be available, bring a watch!
A Negative Mindset
Feel like you haven’t studied enough? Or maybe your parents bought you a really nice review book and instead of using it… it stayed sitting on your desk for months until the night before your test. Don’t sweat it! You have literally been preparing for this test from the day you walked into your first classroom. The best thing you can do now is clear your mind, relax, and get ready to focus. During these few SAT testing hours, don’t let anything or anyone get to you, or get in the way of your success! This is your moment to shine and to earn test scores that really show colleges what you are capable of! (:
pro·cras·ti·nate (verb. (\prə-ˈkras-tə-ˌnāt, prō-\)
: A high school student’s favorite pastime
Let’s try to remember that this test is one that will potentially get you into your dream school! You have to register for the SAT test weeks in advance, so why wait until the day before the exam to start working for your grade? There are several resources, such as classes and SAT review books, to help you prepare for the test. Personally, I believe that reviewing old test questions and understanding how the questions are asked allow for a less stressful testing experience. Test taking strategies are not ones that can be developed overnight…so don’t procrastinate!

Your Top 4 Things to Avoid While Preparing for the SAT:
- Staying up late
- Being Underprepared
- A Negative Mindset
- Cramming
Avoid these pitfalls and you will be in good shape come SAT day!
Good luck, Alyssa ✌❤:)