Seasons greetings, MyMajors viewers!
I went to my school’s Winter Formal dance last night and it was pretty awesome! I hope you all are kick starting your Holiday break with a bang–and survived finals. Nikki believes in every one of you!
But now that second semester is starting, that means Track is back in action! One of the things I’ll be doing during break is training for track. I’ve got a few personal goals in mind! I joined track & field in my sophomore year and this will be my third year on the team. I’m excited because I’ll be a big, bad senior!
Another activity I’m really excited about is my officer position at the National Alliance on Mental Illness. It’s a relatively new club at my school but I conferred with our president and we have plenty of new ideas for the second semester. I’m sure all of you have heard of the unfortunate massacre at Newtown, Connecticut (my heart goes out to all those affected). Many are considering bringing more awareness to mental illness so people like Adam Lanza are treated. This’ll be very good for NAMI because now we can help!
I’m also excited to get back to work for the Teen Advisory Board at the Saratoga library. I started volunteering there last year and it’s always been a blast. We serve as liaisons for the teenagers by decorating the teen section and setting up fun activities.
As you can see, I’m very very busy–but I also thrive on a hectic schedule (I hate being bored). So, have a happy holiday and New Year, everyone! I’ll be talking to you very soon!
Tata for now,