The last month has been absolutely crazy! The beginning of the school year usually isn’t so fast pace, but it looks like Senior year is giving me a run for my money. College visits, essays, scholarship applications, Yearbook, and AP classes (or IB for some of you), are taking up a huge chunk of time I didn’t know I had before. I’ve also been considering majoring or minoring in Film in Television or Communications in addition to Theater.
One of my favorite things to happen this month, among reuniting with my favorite teachers and friends, getting an awesome class schedule (AP Psychology!!), and joining the Volleyball team (did I mention I’m on JV and Varsity and I’m JV Captain?!?), was speaking for Jefferson Awards on behalf of Benedictine Academy! Every time I’m lucky enough to have an opportunity to talk about my school’s journey towards Compassionate Action and my personal growth, I forget all the things I think I’m missing and remember my blessings. I think everyone has that one thing that reminds them that life isn’t so bad after all =) Mine is public speaking.
Speaking of! One of my required graduation courses is Public Speaking. And, in turn, speaking of required, my school now requires that we have our laptops for every class just in case the teacher needs us to use it (all of our students were given laptops this year); today we used it to write an essay in my AP Literature class. Our teachers have this really cool program that let’s them see our screens on their computers, so my teacher even shut down my digital sticky notes for the duration of the class! I should be upset, I know, but I think it’s just too cool.
I’m also President of a new club this year – Globe Changers! (It’s a branch of Jefferson Awards : Nobel Prize for Public Service). Our focus is on Human Trafficking, so I’ll be posting more on that as the club gets going =) It’s a subject I’m super passionate about, and I hope that we will be able to work towards some positive change there.
SPEAKING of things I’m passionate about – I’m writing my senior thesis paper (only 15 pages!!) about The Value of Theater in Life and Therapy.
Is anyone else SUPER EXCITED for senior year???
I’m just having trouble finding time to sleep xD
Until Next Time,
Ari ^^