Hair Styling Stylist and Hair Design Major

Description: A program that prepares individuals to shampoo, cut, style, set, and dress the scalp hair of women and/or men, braid hair, apply hair cosmetics and wigs, and prepare for licensure as professional cosmetologists, hairdressers, and barbers at various levels. Includes instruction in hair design theory and concepts, hair cleaning and shampooing, hair coloring, chemical applications and permanent reconstructions, hair anatomy and physiology, scalp diseases and treatments, wig and hairpiece fitting, hair braiding, customer service, shop management, equipment operation, health and safety, and applicable laws and regulations. Is Hair Styling Stylist and Hair Design the right major for you?
Take the MyMajors Quiz and find out if it fits one of your top recommended majors!

What Courses Do Hair Styling Stylist and Hair Design Majors Take?

The required and elective courses you would take for Hair Styling Stylist and Hair Design majors vary considerably among institutions. Courses are listed here that are illustrative of the breadth of topics you are likely to experience were you to major in this field.

  • Chemical Processes
  • Computer Principles
  • Imaging
  • Multicultural Practices
  • Nail Care
  • Skin Care

What other majors are related to Hair Styling Stylist and Hair Design?